Advanced Marine Environmental & Safety Solutions
Advanced Environmental and Safety Solutions for the Marine Industry
The legislation set out by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is coming into force starting January 2015 for SOx control and starting 2016 for NOx. Ship yards, ship owners and marine scrubber manufactures need to equip vessels with SO2/NOx/CO2 continuous exhaust gas monitoring systems and PAH/Turbidity/Temperature monitoring systems in wash water discharge system
Modcon Systems has 45 years of experience in process analyzer and offers a complete solution, that fully meets DNV-GL requirements in strict accordance with Annex VI of MARPOL73/78.
Our solution includes the following compact equipment, which can be easily integrated with scrubber and other systems:
- MOD-1006 continuous exhaust gas monitoring system, which comprises infra-red analyzers and advanced sample conditioning assembly to produce an accurate and reliable measurement of CO2, NOx, and SO2
- MOD-C-4000 AH/Turbidity/Temperature monitoring system in wash water discharge system
- Fixed and portable gas detectors for safety operation on the board
- Additional environmental and safety solutions designed for easy installation, operation, and maintenance
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Marine Industry Monitoring and Control Solutions
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