
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for NCl3 Process Analyzer System

  FAT was successfully completed for our NCl3 process analyzer system. The UV-based analyzer system is designed for continuous monitoring of NCl3 concentration in Chlorine stream. The system supplied with calibration system, which includes strictly defined concentration NCl3 generator with subsequent decomposition of calibration gas into non-hazardous constituents. For more information please contact us  …


Soot Removal System

  Modcon team has implemented LeonPulse Ltd’s project for Soot Removal System. The Soot Gone (SG) Soot Removal System is a shock wave-based system designed to clean all ash, slag, soot, etc. residues from heat transfer surfaces of fuel combustion equipment. SG system is highly efficient, lightweight, easy to install and requires minimal maintenance efforts.…


All-in-one MOD-4100 System Successfully Commissioned and Started at One of the World’s Most Sophisticated Refineries

An all-in-one MOD-4100 crude oil analysis system has been successfully commissioned and started operation at one of the world’s most sophisticated refineries. The system is designed to precisely monitor the quality of blended feedstock, which is applied for continuous training of the Modcon-AI optimization package. This method enables end-to-end refinery economic optimization through integration of…


Modcon Systems at the 2nd Annual MECA Conference, Dubai 2021

Great responses from the 2nd Annual Middle East Instrumentation Control & Automation Conference and Showcase in Dubai. Thank you MEICA 2021 for organizing everything so well and for including our presentation in the conference. The event is supported by Saudi Aramco, ADNOC Refining, Kuwait Oil Company, Petroleum Development Oman, Saudi Aramco Total Refining & Petrochemical (SATORP), Sadara…

7th conference

Modcon at 7th Opportunity Crudes Conference, Houston October 2021

The theme of the 2021 Opportunity Crudes Conference is ‘Making the Grades: Crudes for Fuels & Petrochemicals in Demand.’ A team of high-caliber oil business gurus, technology experts, and operators shared their knowledge and insights into the volatile, uncertain time our industry is experiencing. Geopolitical tensions, sanctions, trade wars, the OPEC+ cut, and other unforeseeable…
