New Process Analyzers Package for the Offshore Project in Krishna Godavari Basin, India

The Beacon-3000 process analyzer system will be installed offshore in Krishna Godavari basin, India, for High Speed Diesel (HSD) quality measurement by innovative optics combination and patented spectrometric technology.

Over the years, Modcon advanced on-line analyzer technologies, as well as advancements in subsea equipment have made FPSOs (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) useful in deeper and rougher waters.

Malaysia-based international offshore energy facilities and services provider Bumi Armada has awarded Modcon Systems a contract to deliver process analyzer package for the Cluster 2 offshore project in Krishna Godavari basin, India.
The on-line quality control of High Speed Diesel (HSD) will be provided by a combination of innovative optics and the patented application of standard fiber optic technology, with the capability to monitor up to eight process streams in parallel.




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