CIS Downstream Project Management and Technologies Conference in Milan

The CIS Downstream Project Management and Technologies in Milan gathered key refining and petrochemicals companies from CIS region, and is an excellent platform for learning and sharing the best international practice of project management and cutting edge technologies to secure future development of the CIS downstream industry. President of Modcon  presented a paper on “Refinery…


Advanced Remote Monitoring System for Dangerous Goods

New approach and technology in the field of transport and industrial security: utilization of the modern communication and sensing technologies in our products One of the main challenges is early detection and locating the NAR (Non Accident Release) of hazardous (toxic, corrosive or explosive) media from the railroad tank car, ISO tank container or chemical road…


Advanced Solutions at Gulf Coast Conference

Modcon is taking part at the Gulf Coast Conference on October 14-15 at the Moody Gardens Convention Center in Texas, USA. Tal Cohen, EVP R&D and BD, will conduct  two seminars : “Integrated Technologies For Economic Crude Blending”  and “Advanced Solution to Increase FCC Profits” . Both of them present advanced solutions for enabling  production at highest yield, highest…
