Modcon was founded in 1972 and has 50 years of experience in process analysis, control, and optimization for the production of high-value and on-specification products at optimal cost and minimal environmental burden. Today Modcon is a pioneer in the way for the next generation of process analyzer systems for Oil RefineriesNatural GasPipelinesChemicalPetrochemical, and Biotechnology Industries.

MODCON value proposition includes the following advanced solutions:

  • On-line Process Analyzers and Systems;
  • Artificial Intelligence solutions for process industries
  • Crude oil, gasoline and diesel in-line blending stations;
  • Optimization and automation of process units;
  • Environmental monitoring and process safety;
  • Cybersecurity and combat cyber crime.

Process Analyzers

Turn-Key Projects

Blending Solutions

AI/ML Tools

Sample Conditioning
